Historic Organ Makeover

The pipe organ behind the altar at the Sea Bright United Methodist Church was donated in 1893 by Mr. E.S. Nesbitt, the great-grandfather of the Music Director George Finegan.

The pipe organ was built by C.S.Haskel of Philadelphia, and cost $750 (twice the average annual salary of that period). It employs the original mechanical tracker action, bringing divine sounds from its prominent zinc pipes, coated with brass.

The following article is from the May 2, 2002 print edition of the Asbury Park Press, describing the history and restoration of the wonderful and rare instrument. 

Historic Organ Makeover

Our new web site

Thursday August 14, 2014

You’re looking at the brand-new website of the Sea Bright United Methodist Church, loaded with goodies!

It’s still in an advanced prototype stage, and over the next few days it will continue to evolve rapidlyI’m incorporating several features with the blogs and media (photos, video, audio). The calendar feature will be enhanced shortly.

The Blogging feature allows for some incredible power & flexibility, allowing content & pages to be created without any further programming or setup. The Blogs can be tagged with various categories, and this is where the site will blossom going forward.

On the homepage, you will see:

  • Cross and Flames® , the insignia of the United Methodist Church
  • A menu bar at the top, to view the Blogs, Calendar, About & Contact
  • A Search bar at the right end of the menu!
  • A ‘slider’ that displays a slideshow of different images and messages
  • A number of large, easily viewable icons that will provide details once you click on them
  • A Prayer Request form
  • A final row of icons for ‘Our Beliefs’, ‘Our Purpose’ and ‘Staff’
  • A footer with the name & address and a site-map!

Please feel free to use the Contact page to let us know how we’re doing!



Pew Cards – We’re Glad You’re Here

We’re asking everyone to fill out a pew card and drop in the offertory plate, or present to Pastor Michael. This is an opportunity to update our records.
Please indicate if you are a member or if you are interested in becoming a member or getting more involved by serving.

New District Superintendent

Service of Installation for our new District Superintendent Rev. Dr. Gina Hendrickson.
Sunday Sep. 7, 2014: 6pm.
First UMC of Toms River, 129 Chestnut St., Toms River.